Rain-delay Virgin! (And other patterns of language)

Friday, January 27, 2006


Search your feelings, you know
you want to give me your lucky charms.

Together, we can rule the galaxy as father and crazy-little-green-Irishman-of-ambiguous-sexuality-with-a-suspicious obsession-with-little-children.

New marshmallows every year: impressive. Most impressive.

I was at Brian's apartment watching a movie with him and Adam. Some weird girl named Alli came over, and Brian and Alli retreated to his bedroom for some sweet innocent prior-to-sexual-relations talking giggling cuddling. Adam went to sleep. I was alone in the big blue apartment not really wanting to go home. I saw the darth vader mask. I saw the leprechaun hat. I decided that I would put the mask over my head, the hat over my crotch, and barge in on whatever unspeakables Alli and Brian were engaging in. I did not yet know Alli, however, and I was surprisingly in a less-than-completely-tactless mood. So I hesitated, contemplating the situation, searching my soul for courage bravery and absurdity. I went to the bathroom to change after five minutes of laughing to myself about the idea. I took off my clothes, turned my face into vader and my crotch into lucky charms, and I stared at myself in the mirror. And laughed. For about twenty minutes.

That night, I never actually got the guts to get into the room with the wandering eyes hands hearts. Alli and Brian are still together over a year later. Maybe that wouldn't be the case if Alli had so soon realized that her seemingly-stable soon-to-be-boyfriend had very seemingly-unstable friends.

A couple of weeks later, after I'd conversed with Alli and broken down certain social barriers and flirted with her a few times, dropping witty sexual innuendos left and right, I decided that, finally, vaderchaun would come to life. And come to life he did (Zing!). Brian took a picture. Now you get to see it.

Note the uber-sexy lines formed by the abdominal muscles just above my hips. Girls, apparently, like 'em. Look closer. Notice that they're uneven. I'm a physical phreak.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well that's certainly a blast from the past and strangely enough doesn't complete the list of shocking situations a la brett

10:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Peachers were Pears
And Apples, Grapes
You'd be the fruit
I'd want to Date

7:55 AM


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