Swerve is a rap
song. By Gangsta Musik. Swerve right, swerve left, be a clone.
Everyday stuff.
Last night was the wrap party. I got rather inebriated, though it wasn't until we left 219 and went to Lavaca that I started to dance and say loud silly things with Adam. I had Yager (sp?) and therefore can't really remember the ride home. That doesn't happen to me very often... Yager is the forgetful juice, it's true it's true.
I've done some mining around MySpace on my recovery/lazy-as-a-nut day. I've found my best friend from second grade and my first 'one that got away,' who I never really had, was close to dating or whatever, anyway, it was awkward and included my leaving of soaking wet boxers on her mothers' sink after New Years.
Believe me, it wasn't as fun or sensually fulfilling as you might think. We dove into the pool at around midnight. We stayed up late playing stink pink, mostly just enjoying her company, because she's gorgeous. Seeing her picture reminded me of the visual similarities between her and Carly. I guess I do have a type after all: frikkin' hot!
The thing with sleeping inside is that my legs feel too warm, kinda dank and sweaty like a jungle without the pleasant growling of tigers or the reassuring sting of scorpions.
Also, I pooped green this morning. I mean Green. Like I'd eaten a chia-pet. It was textured, too, like a golf course, or a fungus. It made me think of Italy.
Speaking of which, check out www.noahsodano.com (link in my linklist), my good friend Noah Sodano's 'it's Not a blog' blog.
Actually, it looks really cool, and seems to be an interesting project. Check it out if you're bored, which you must be, since you're reading my bizzleog.
Going to meet with Brian some time over the next few days to figure out what we're going to do about a feature (I think we are resigning ourselves to the fate of Swerve becoming an international success). The problem will be choosing which story line, structure, framing, set-up, beginning, middle, end, etc., we choose. It could Swerve from being completely dialogue-driven to being slow and visually artsy to being a scifi adventure movie...
Might end up being a little bit of all three.
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