Rain-delay Virgin! (And other patterns of language)

Friday, October 14, 2005

How do blogcompanies make money?

I'm trying to figure it out. I haven't seen any advertisements, haven't seen anything indicating any way that blogspot makes dough. I suppose maybe they somehow have a craigslistish settup of getting money from the most popular blogs and then letting everyone else do their shiznau for free? Maybe they get a portion of the revenues from each advertisement that a blogger puts on his webpage? That's gotta be it. Kinda weird, in any case.

Well my main homeslices, that's it for now. I may come back with something long and lovely, but not at the moment. It's a sweetly lonesome Friday night. Something about the upcoming unknown lifechange makes this feeling a pleasant one...reminds me of when I was younger and more innocent somehow. Maybe it's to do with bad sleeping and eating habits.

My eyes can not open wider,
they can never swallow
the universe.

I have an instinct to sign off of each of these things as though it were an email. I don't think that's standard blog formatting, right?

Off to perusing the internet for intellectually stimulating drivel.


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