Rain-delay Virgin! (And other patterns of language)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

MY NEW MAC!!! etc.

Hello farm fresh Sallywags. I am now typing from the most monumental purchase I have ever made in my nasty, short, brutish life: my new ibook G4. God bless the mac, I say. god Bless. Such an intrinsic smoothness to the design, the layout, the ease and simplicity of everything. As owen said, it takes about ten hours of work per week to keep a pc running smoothly. nothing of the sort for a Mac. I am now typing laying down on my back, which itself is quite a revolutionary idea. Only drawback is that hard-to-reach keys are even harder to reach (numbers and the shift key especially). But, besides that, I could, theoretically, just fall asleep with my baby in my lap. Mmmmm. Like a baby.

I am still in the midst of deciding what to do with my life. There is the possibility of working near Telluride. I got a call from Jim Omer, the Alternative youth Adventures guy, and he said that they're having the next training session the first week of November. I may have a few conflicts of interest, however...the job description online says that they require a commitment of one year. I will most definitely be in graduate school by the time September rolls around. Also, I might want to work at Cheley again, which would push things back to May. And last, but perhaps not least, the movie is scheduled to begin filming (probably) in January sometime. I will discuss my conflicts with Mr. Omer and then proceed once I have the pertinent information. I still hope to go ona train trip at some point, as well (what with my new laptop and all and me so poetic on the train world rumblin' by and me writing the great American poemnovelscreenplayporno. If I could have things my way, I would go on a train trip in late october/november, come back to Austin (or hang around Colorado for a while) in December, do movie stuff January, and then do the AYA job starting in mid-January, finishing in May to begin another wonderful year at Cheley. But that scenario seems unlikely at this point.

I also had a happy surprise. For some reason, I have about three thousand more dollars than I thought I did. It's great what happens when you don't look at your money all that often. You just get a blurred figure in your head, and that two that you saw was actually a five. yipyip!

This laptop is either the most healthy or the least healthy purchase I've ever made. The increased convenience of using the computer in more comfortable areas and positions may cause me to be even more swallowed by the digitized numb loveliness of the internet...conversely, however, I may simply be a much happier boy, able to feed my neddiction in comfortable, invigorating environments. Maybe I'll go to bed earlier because I won't be in the computer room, with its chair and bright lights and all, until three in the morning. I am already feeling somewhat sleepy, which is a good thing, like Jesus eating ice cream (how cheesy to recycle an image from a poem you wrote sophomore year of college)...

Brian commented earlier that I should 'start a blog'. Obviously, I already have. I am uncertain as to what extent I should advertise this thing. On the one hand, having people know about it may inspire me to write things that are more interesting (or at least to use a more engaging style). On the other hand, I may begin to feel the need to censor myself, and I'll also be afraid that people will think I'm self-absorbed and dull with my long ramblings. Not having a SPECIFIC audience
(otherwise known as a pretty girl on whom you have a crush) might influence these bloggings into a realm of boredom not seen in my more interesting emails of a similar kind.

So there you have it. It's always difficult to end a post that had no central point.

I think Neil Young is really an allright Bloke. Kinda like Bob Dylan, but more accessible, warmer, less brilliant.


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