Rain-delay Virgin! (And other patterns of language)

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Years!!!

So, at first I was sad that I would be in Colorado for new Years, since it would mean missing the ever-beautiful ritzy Drunken monkey party (and this year I would've been sure to find a hot girl to kiss instead of Fred's ugly sloppy half-seconds). Then I was not so sad, because I talked to Noah and Nicole and set it up so that I'd be going to a house-party on New Years, which sounded quite fun and could, possibly, have involved an innocent New Years Kiss with an un-ugly, un-Fredded girl, and at least I'd be drinking with Noah and Nicole, which is fun and may've ended in playful childish wrestling. Then I went to Safeway to get a sandwich and a bottle of water for the road, and my battery died. Completely. A couple of dudes with trucks tried to get 'er started, and she did start...for a little while. Then she died. Twice. So I couldn't go to Denver to party down, instead I went to my grandparents, drank more Scotch than my grandparents realized, watched SouthPark, then returned to my big lonesome cabinhouse, where now I am watching the Southpark movie (on cable and totally uncut...kinda cool, I suppose) with my girlfriend MacinTitty, or G-na. Not quite the raucous New Years I was hoping for. In any case, I still have a media-inspired vision of the way new Years Should be: surrounded by a big group of friends and strangers, kissing a beautiful girl at midnight (either sweetly someone just-met and never to see again, or a loving girlfriend), drinking champagne, fireworks, and the entire crowd arm-around-shoulder singing 'Auld Lang Syne...' The closest I've ever come is the drunken monkey parties, but they've been lacking in the female department, a little bit in the movie-atmosphere department, and never with as much of a choirish 'auld lang syne' as is needed. It will come someday, though, just like the decorating of the tree hot chocolate cocoa fireplace beautiful girlfriend tinsel greenery pinesmell snowfilled streetlight evening New England shining shrouded street church choir candelight Christmas.

It will be here someday, I promise.


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